She tells all.

She tells all

Psychic, baby.

Sandwiched between Vets & Pets and a Valero gas station on El Camino at Pomeroy, this was one of a handful of neon signs behind windows of a Psychic Readings shop that was very near our old Santa Clara home. Pretty cool.

I’ve taken shots of a few of those signs over the years, but this one is my fave. I found it again digging through the archive back in May. Digital, made with the Pentax 330GS.

A quick check of Google maps and it looks like the building’s still there.

I wonder if she knew about 2020… hmmmm.

Circle. Square.


Yet another photographic obsession.

In my travels with cameras, I discover a lot of round or circular objects, and since my fave and probably most frequently used aspect ratio in photography is the square, I’ll center these objects and make a photo.

Here’s a montage I put together of 16 faves.

I also assembled an album with 88 examples of circle/square on Flickr, check it out…